Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on bob dylan - 528 Words
Imagine: Everyday thousands of people get killed in a war no-one asked for. Friends and family are send to a horrible place with little chance you’ll ever see them again. This war, a useless and disgusting war started without any reasons and only goes on because the leaders of your country are too proud to make it end. For millions of American citizens this nightmare became truth. In 1964 the American president Johnson started sending soldiers to Vietnam. At the end of the war in 1972, it is estimated that, in total, over 2,5 million people on both sides were killed. As the war continued, the American people got more and more unsatisfied and angry at their government. They wanted the war to stop, it had been going on long enough and too†¦show more content†¦One of the songs he wrote, was â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†. This song was written in 1962, when the war had not yet started, but was used, a couple years later, as a protest song against the war. â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†starts with a couple of questions: How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? Yes, n how many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand? Yes, n how many times must the cannon balls fly Before theyre forever banned? He asks the first couple of questions so he can put the last question, the one that has to do with war, in the same row, as if there is no difference between them. The answer then is: The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, The answer is blowin in the wind. This practically means he does not know the answers, and he is quite sure no-one does. The rest of the song is alike: the last question is a question that attacks the government and the answer stays the same (The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, The answer is blowin in the wind.) With this song Bob Dylan wants the government to realize that they are acting nuts. With rhetorical questions he tries to send his message, his call for freedom, to the president and his followers. He questions all human behaviour. This theme was very present in the sixties and in the time of the Vietnam war. I think it worksShow MoreRelatedThe Life Of Bob Dylan1536 Words  | 7 PagesThe Life of Bob Dylan Bob Dylan is often considered to be one of the greatest and most influential musicians of all time. He has released 36 albums, and has amassed a huge following of music lovers. His songs have ranged from poetic folk songs that discuss social issues of the 1960s, to covers of very famous songs recorded with his own stylistic twist. He was one of the first rock artists whose lyrics were considered to be on par with works of literature (1)He has also been one of the only artistsRead MoreBob Dylan And The Sixties1214 Words  | 5 PagesBob Dylan played a vital role in the sixties counter-culture. His lyrics fueled the rebellious youth in America. Songs such as â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†and â€Å"The Times are A-Changin†made him favorable to anti-war demonstrators and supporters of the Civil Rights movement. He was commonly referred to as the spokesman for his generation. Dylan used lyrics to empower the youth to find their own form of counter-culture. The youth generation began to see the effects racism had on society and the violenceRead MoreBob Dylan Essay1153 Words  | 5 Pagesin this time of adversity. A young Bob Dylan arises to the spotlight and sings songs speaking of protest and originality, expressing societal dissatisfaction felt by not only himself but by his entire generation. In the 1960s Dylan wrote many protest songs that people of his generation found themselves connecting to, leading way to a counterculture aside from popular music which also paved a way for introspective song writing. Born in Minnesota in 1941, Bob Dylan, then Robert Allen Zimmerman, befriendedRead MoreEssay on Bob Dylan1273 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the leaders of this revolution was Robert Allen Zimmerman, known by his popular assumed name, Bob Dylan. Born in 1941 in Minnesota, Dylan grew up the grandchild of Jewish-Russian immigrants and had a surprisingly unexceptional childhood. His interest in music became evident in his high school years when he taught himself basic piano and guitar. From these rudimentary skills Dylan would build his knowledge and experience in music to his present status as a forefather of folk musicRead More Bob Dylan Essay3671 Words  | 15 PagesBob Dylan When I was fifteen and I heard Like a Rolling Stone, I heard a guy like Ive never heard before or since. A guy that had the guts to take on the whole world and make me feel like I had em too... - Bruce Springsteen The Grammy Awards ceremony in 1991 was not all that different from those which preceded it. A crowded auditorium littered with the beautiful people of Hollywood and the music industry once again gathered in Los Angeles to honor the years most popular recordingRead MoreThe Beatles And Bob Dylan905 Words  | 4 Pagescreate new music that they would not have thought of before. In various ways, Britain and America have influenced and inspired one another for many years. Music was, and still is, a huge connecting factor between the two countries. The Beatles and Bob Dylan, two of the most famous artists of all time, demonstrate how Britain and America had a profound influence on each country’s music culture. In the beginning of American history, America was heavily influenced by Britain because it was considered theRead MoreBob Dylan: A Legend Essay1041 Words  | 5 PagesBob Dylan: A Legend An artist inoculates his world with disillusionment, said the infamous writer, Henry Miller. Robert Allen Zimmerman, grandchild of Welsh-Jewish immigrants, was born on May 24, 1941 in Hibbing, Minnesota, near Duluth. About fifteen years later, he took on the name Bob Dylan unknowingly stamping himself and his name in folk music history forever. Dylan began writing poetry and song lyrics at a young age and came to the name of Bob Dylan afterRead MoreWhen Thinking Of Bob Dylan1210 Words  | 5 PagesDeven Fiandaca English IV Mr. Wormwood Period 4 When thinking of Bob Dylan, two immediate things come to mind. First off, and most obvious, Mr. Dylan is known for his nasally voice. This seems to be the first topic of discussion when Bobs name comes up. Secondly, and more importantly, Bob is known for his talent of song writing, unlike many other artists in today s world, bob tells a story with all of his songs. Many of his songs are over 5 minutes long, for those who don t know much about musicRead MoreEssay about Bob Dylan1588 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The song has to be of a certain quality for me to sing†¦One aspect it would have to have is that it didn’t repeat itself†(Bob Dylan). Transforming into new people throughout his life, Bob Dylan reverted to the Bible and other religious findings in his songs. Dylan is able to reveal a fulfillment from spirituality as he perceives his music as a sacred landscape. Bob Dylan brings up a theme of religion, referencing the book of Isaiah in his 1967 song â€Å"All Along the Watchtower†as he writes a storyRead MoreEssay bob dylan972 Words  | 4 Pages The Hurricane nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Bob Dylan’s song, The Hurricane, brings to surface several of the themes covered in class this semester. The song explores general themes like community and responsibility, while also focusing on many of the sub-themes, such as justice and injustice, appearance and reality, and loyalty and abandonment. Throughout the song, the main characters constantly battle with the above themes in attempt to frame an innocent man. While the song brings up many
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
My College Education At The University Of Pittsburgh
When I started my college education at the University of Pittsburgh, like many freshman, I was uncertain about which career direction I wanted to pursue. However, I did know one thing for certain, that I had a passion for math and desired to study it at a higher level. I chose the major of Actuarial Mathematics. Looking back at that decision I am happy that I spent my undergraduate years taking difficult math classes, various economic and statistic classes, and computer programming classes. This enabled me to see a different side of the applications of mathematics. While this major was challenging, interesting, and enjoyable, I would like to use this knowledge to become a leader in mathematics education focusing on the desire to†¦show more content†¦Besides personal time management and study schedules being extremely important, I witnessed first-hand how teachers have the ability to be the most excellent resource for success to students. In high school the core math cl asses are mandatory, so I realize that not every student is going to find the subject interesting or even want to do well. I want to be a teacher so that I can make whatever class I am teaching a class that students enjoy, are excited about, and want to do well. I have experience tutoring in math, both informal and formally. If I am helping a sibling, a friend, or another student, I love that transitional moment when an individual goes from being completely lost about a concept to understanding. There is even the rare moment when a student who professes to detest math can get so caught up in the beauty and straightforwardness of it. I was tutoring a ninth grader a couple months ago. When we first started going over problems the student mentioned that she â€Å"hated this stuff†and had no interest in the problems at hand. By the time the bell went off to signal the end of the class the student told me that she was upset she had to leave, and that she was having a lot o f fun. Watching the transition of that student in only forty-five minutes makes me positive that this
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reading Books Is Better Than Watching Tv Free Essays
There are two religious holidays or feasts, the first is Seker Bayrami (3 days) which comes immediately after 30 days of fasting in the Ramadan and the second Is Kurban Bayrami (4 days) which follows 70 days after Seker Bayrami. In Turkish, Bayram Is â€Å"feast†or â€Å"holiday†, seker is â€Å"sweets†and kurban is a â€Å"sacrifice†. The dates of religious holidays come 10 days earlier each year because of the dfference between the Lunar Year (354 days) and the Solar Year (365 days). We will write a custom essay sample on Reading Books Is Better Than Watching Tv or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although not all the people In Anatolia are religious, these religious feasts are very traditional and have become ssential. People make lots of preparations In celebration of these feasts Ilke cleaning houses, shopping, buying feast gifts, new clothes, sending greeting cards and so forth. On the first day of the feast, very early In the morning, people get up, wash themselves, wear fragrance or cologne and put on their new clothes. The majority of the male population go to mosques for the early morning prayer which Is extremely Important. school aged children are also taken to mosques by their fathers or older relatives in order to make them acquire the habit of going to prayers. So many people go to mosques that they do not fit inside or even in the courtyard. When this is the case, they take small carpets from home to mosques, put them in the streets near the mosque and join in with the service. The Imams give sermons as this is an opportunity to preach to so many people together. The dominant subject these days is peace, and they always try to encourage brotherhood and general goodwill among all. After prayers in the mosque everybody gives feast greeting to each other by shaking hands. The next stage is at home where feast greetings continue. In the raditional extended families these greetings do not take too much time as all members are at the same place. But in nuclear families it might take a much longer time. Kurban Bayrami is the same as Seker Bayrami except the additional sacrifice as the name of the feast bears. The sacrificial animal, a ram, a goat or any of the cattle will be made ready to sacrifice and from the first morning onward, at anytime, will be sacrificed by one of the members of the family or somebody who represents him. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts; one for the poor, one for he neighbors and relatives and the last is for the family. The sacrificing is generally done in courtyards of houses or if these do not exist then it is conducted In specially arranged public places. People can also make a donation to the same value of a sacrifice to a charity instead of doing It themselves. National holidays of Turkey and Children’s Day, Labor and Solidarity Day, Youth and Sports Day, Republic Day and etc. Among these is the most important holiday is Republic Day. Many people in Turkey celebrate Republic Day on October 29 by attending performances and articipating in traditional processions with flags and musical bands. The Turkish Republic’s founder Mustafa Kemal Atat?rk proclaimed Republic Day as Turkeys most important holiday. Many people go to local stadiums on October 29 to watch performances dedicated to Republic Day in Turkey. Such performances usually consist of theater sketches, poetry readings and traditional Turkish dances. Many school children participate in school performances for parents and teachers. Parades may take place in some cities and politicians may give public speeches on this day. Many people also lay wreaths to Atat?rk’s monuments or visit Atat?rk’s mausoleum in the countrys capital, Ankara. In the evening of October 29 many cities have traditional processions with flags and musical bands to commemorate Republic Day in Turkey. The processions usually end with fireworks, which begin after dark. Republic Day is an official national holiday in Turkey. Public administration buildings, schools, post offices and many small businesses are usually closed on this day. Public transport schedules may vary. Public transport routes may change in the event of street performances and processions. The afternoon of the previous day, October 28, is also an official holiday. Republic Day marks the creation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. After Turkeys victory in the War of Independence (1919-1923), the Turkish parliament proclaimed the new Turkish state as a republic. A new constitution, which the parliament adopted on October 29, 1923, replaced the constitution of the Ottoman Empire. The leader in the Turkish War of Independence, Mustafa Kemal Atat?rk, became the countrys first president on the same day. According to Atat?rk, Republic Day is Turkeys most important holiday. The common symbols of Republic Day in Turkey are: The Turkish flag. Pictures of Mustafa Kemal Atat?rk. These symbols can be seen on Republic Day in Turkey. Turkish Literature This comprises the tradition of written and oral literature established by the Turks throughout history, and also the products of that tradition. The historical development of Turkish literature is studied under three main categories: pre-lslamic Turkish literature, the Turkish literature that developed under the influence of Islamic civilization, and that which developed under the influence of the West. This lassification was made in the light of the characteristic influence of the religious and cultural orbits which the Turks entered. According to historians, the Turks emerged from Central Asia. Not all of the cultural products of the Turks of Central Asia have survived down to the present day. Bearing in mind that, the first written documents in Turkish dated the 6th century. it is very likely that we do not possess tales, folk songs, proverbs, riddles and village performance shows, the creators of which are either unclear or unknown. Dervish literature can be regarded as popular literature with a religious content. Mysticism’s broad tolerance and manner of expression resulted in the emergence of an independent strand in this literary tradition. Dervish poetry would be read to the accompaniment of tunes known as ‘ilahi’ or ‘nefes. Although containing elements of Arabic and Persian, the language employed in dervish literature was intended to be clearly understood. The quatrain and syllabic metre were used throughout. The most important representatives of this form of literature are Yunus Emre, Nesimi, Kaygusuz Abdal, Haci Bayram Veli, Hatayi and Pir Sultan Abdal. After the 18th century, efforts were made in Turkish Ottoman) society to move into the orbit of Western civilisation. Following developments in the military and political fields, these began to be felt in literary life as well. Writers who had seen the West and were closely acquainted with it were the first heralds of this new literature. The appearance of the newspaper ‘Terc?man-l Ahaval’ in 1860 is generally accepted as the start of the literature that developed under the influence of the West. Being neither official nor semi-official, the paper was the first to be brought out under a private initiative. The period it is regarded to have shered in is further divided into sub-periods: The Administrative Reform, the Servet-i F?nun, Fecr-i At’, National Literature and Republic and after periods. Arts of Turkey Turkish art refers to all works of visual art originating from the geographical area of what is present day Turkey since the arrival of the Turks in the Middle Ages. Turkey also was the home of much significant art produced by earlier cultures, including the Hittites, Ancient Greeks, and Byzantines. The 16th and 17th centuries are generally cognised as the finest period for art in the Ottoman Empire, much of it associated ith the huge Imperial court. Ottoman architecture developed traditional Islamic styles, with some technical influences from Europe, into a highly sophisticated style, with interiors richly decorated in coloured tiles, seen in palaces, mosques and turbe mausolea. Other important media were in the applied or decorative arts rather than figurative work. Pottery, especially iznik pottery, hardstone carvings, Turkish carpets and textiles were all produced to extremely high standards, and carpets in particular were exported widely. Other Turkish art ranges from metalwork, carved woodwork nd furniture with elaborate inlays to traditional Ebru or paper marbling. In the 19th century Turkish art and architecture became more heavily influenced by contemporary European styles, leading to over-elaborated and fussy detail in (1842-1910) for long a somewhat solitary fgure. He was a member of the Ottoman administrative elite who trained in Paris, and painted throughout his long career as a senior administrator and curator in Turkey. Many of his works represent Orientalism from the inside, as it were. A transition from Islamic artistic traditions under the Ottoman Empire to a more secular, Western orientation has taken place in Turkey. Turkish painters today are striving to find their own art forms, free from Western influence. Sculpture is less developed, and public monuments are usually heroic representations of Atat?rk and events from the war of independence. Literature is considered the most advanced of contemporary Turkish arts. Traditions and customs in Turkey In changing and developing world, many things lost in the deepness of the history. Many civilizations, races and cultures found, rised, and disappeared. Among these ivilizations, there is one thing which the history could not destroy, and it is the â€Å"Turks†. Turkish civilization don’t vannished because of its rooted traditions and beliefs. However, nowadays, Turkish traditions are even losing their importance although they are the only things that have been preventing Turkish culture throughout the history. In my opinion, we should preserve the two most importnat Turkish traditions in order not to be disappeared, to be known as Turkish society, and many other reasons: the fact of family, respect and friendship. The first traditions that should be protected in Turkey is the fact of family. The fact of family is inevitable custom for our society structure. Needless to say, the family is the most important material of society and civilizations. Many corruptions and errors firstly happen in family life, and then gradually they affect all the entire Turkey including prime minister and representatives of Turkish parliament. That is to say, the family life is the indicator of whole life in a country. The second traditions that Turkey should preserve is respect and friendship. In the social life of Turkey, citizens used to be respectful and have a good fellowship. However, these days, these two things have emotions, friendship and respect. Avarices and ambitions are the most important things for people lives. For example, many worker do whatever they think to promote. Sometimes, they forget the importance of friend in order to promote and be paid much money. In my opinion, this will be the onset of social destruction. Moreover, from day to day, people as a concept depends on loneliness because many people believe that their loneliness is the reason of their success. All in all, the two most important Turkish traditions should be preserved in order to prevent their bsence’s negative effects. First, the reality of family should be protected. Second, the fellowsip and esteem among citizens should be preserved. In my opinion, throughout the history, Turkish culture and civilization couldn’t be destroyed because of the strenght of traditions. Obviously, our traditions have begun to change since people’s mind change. According to some people, many traditions are needless since they are not the representative of the modern world. I hope that these people do NOT forget the reality of Turkey. If we need a revolution, this should be made slowly. How to cite Reading Books Is Better Than Watching Tv, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Financials In Case Of Administration of Corporations Is Very Important
Question: Discuss About The Financials In The Case Of The Administration Of Corporations? Answer: Introduction: The financials in the case of the administration of corporations is very important for the achievement of the objectives. Corporation financial report is established in different ways, one of which is the presentation of written and oral reports. Disclosure of arrangements is so crucial for any corporation reports1. This is because any significant disclosure will affect the final outcome of the corporation report and non-disclosure will lead to material misstatement of misrepresentation of facts. The corporation Act of 2001 had been modified by the corporations regulations of 2001 and 2002 under the No. 168 and 193 respectively as amended. The change in corporation and regulations of 2002 was made during a detailed compilations. The article outlines some basic techniques for writing reports, which are an important means of financials. Logical thinking, the concatenation of ideas which means a clear and orderly presentation are fundamental parts of what this article covers, in order to be a tool for the exercise of writing. Background and form of the reports are combined to produce an understandable message. Several examples of reports are noted, without attempting to exhaust the multiple possibilities that may exist in their treatment. Some techniques for oral exposure are also discussed. Present Arrangements Regarding the Report Structure and Justification The report as an element of financials, has to possess a series of characteristics so that it fulfills its primordial mission. These characteristics range from visual presentation (orderly and readable), through fundamental structural elements such as presentation logic, exposition of ideas, quality of the mentioned sources and the combination and interpretation of data The report must have at least two essential characteristics: [1] (a) That the persons to whom it is directed read it because it is good and consistent; (b) That other persons who are not necessarily specialized in the matter covered by the document, can understand it without major difficulties. This can be achieved if the drafter is clear about the ideas he is going to express and has based his position on frames of reference that give solidity to the communicated. Of course, clarity in the development of ideas goes through the logic of their exposition. When it comes to the creation of corporate memory or the annual report, it is not enough that we have a clear idea of what our objective is, but that it will be necessary to know how to translate it in a systematic, clear and concise way, to create the company's memory or annual report in many cases is necessary to go to external investors or financial institutions in addition to facilitating our work3. The objectives that can be pursued in a company report or annual report are very diverse, and hence the flexibility with which the notions that we will have to interpret below have to be interpreted. The company report or annual report should not have more than fifty pages if we do not want to discourage the reader to a detailed reading of our work. The recipient of the company report or annual report must adjust its content in addition to creating a creative work, not only have to record the objective data of the project, but must do everything possible to highlight their strengths[2]; 1. General data 2. Data identification of the company 3. Background of the project Every company, and to a greater extent those that begin, base their credibility on the capacity of their managers and especially on their knowledge of the sector4. Regardless of whether the balance sheet structure is presented, and especially when it is impossible to present the previous one, it is convenient to make a small explanation of the most significant events that have marked the trajectory of the business. Definition of the product or service In addition, it is important to offer an extended image of the product, which defines not only its characteristics, but also defines its usefulness, explains its mode of operation, explains how it differs from products already on the market4. The annual report or the report of a company constitutes an advertising resource that is based on standing out from the rest of the competition. The usual receiver, the partner of the society is the main receiver. The memory of a company or annual report, apart from its great impact on its prestige, has important time constraints. Attractive designs, texts corrected and consistent with the company's image, different graphic attributes, diagrams, maps, photographs, illustrations, special dies. The company's annual report or report can be upgraded through tabs or attachments that are added or deleted according to project requirements5[3]. The possibilities are endless depending on your needs as well as the realization of the project in web format to download as a mobile application. Determining Factors in a Company Report or Annual Report The company report or annual report shows not only its economic data but also its "character". That is why they are important not only for the content but also for the quality and care put into their design and realization - in short the information that the company wants to offer. The business reports gain notoriety for the graphic design and the relevant information in a concise and clear way, as well as the social and commercial commitment of the company. The factor of the Annual Report or Annual Report In graphic design and financials rarely speak of the power of financials of company memory. However often the company memory or annual report is the most striking reflection of a company's activities from its account book side, with its balance sheets results The report should make precise mention of the techniques used to compile the data that support it and the working procedure used. For example, if it is a method based on interviews, it should be mentioned the purpose of these, the technique used in its elaboration and the criterion of the interviewees' choice6. Within this criterion of choice we must indicate the common characteristics of the persons interviewed with respect to the subject or those elements that differentiate them from each other. If what is included is a documentary analysis, the report should also specify the type of document reviewed the elements that are interested in studying and the periods taken into consideration within which these documents are located. Based on the above, the idea is that it is necessary to record the selection criteria that were deprived to choose the path of the collection of information that supports the report. According to the techniques used to compile the information, the content of the report should indicate how the study object will be analyzed: if the data will be compared, if a content analysis is to be developed, if it will be presented A critical view of the findings or any other element that clarifies the objectivity of the subject. It is a viable report that clearly states the elements taken into account for its development. Evaluative reports, by way of example, must be very rigorous with the method, since any evaluation involves a criterion7. Every criterion, as a rule, must be objective. The subjective criterion is that which is based on value judgments, which do not start from the evidence. The objective criterion, on the contrary, is based on evidence. Science is based on what is certain, on what is verifiable. To review whether any externalized criteria in the report is based on verifiable facts, is a basic task for its consolidation as a document. All of this is linked to coherently bonded exposure logic. The logic of exposure One way to develop ideas is to keep in mind the logic of exposure, trying to delimit where one idea ends and initiates another, so that they do not oppose but complement each other. An idea is a complete thought, properly differentiated from another. The concatenation of ideas determines a type of exposure that transits by a certain order. It is possible that when you do not [4] have a clear objective of what you want to express, ideas flow without further logic, which far from conveying a clear message, confuse you. The users of the reports The main job of a manager is to manage the human and material resources at his disposal so that the company he represents creates value through decision making in a framework of uncertainty. In order to develop this initiative, the manager needs to analyze the company as a whole and configure the mechanisms, methods and tools necessary to determine whether the company, when making decisions, creates or does not create value; That is, if the different business proposals, restructuring, acquisition of fixed assets and so on, increase the business value of the entity. The best way to develop such a procedure is to analyze the economic and financial statements of a company (the definition of which can be found in the 'annual accounts and interim financial statements' section of this website), which allow collecting information on corporate assets, The economic results and the cash flows generated by the company. The process by which companies grow and create value is the main study of co rporate finance, so that analysts require the information contained in the economic-financial statements and reports of the company to broadly develop their work and to know better And more deeply the corporate bowels[5]. In the consultancy we developed a comprehensive analysis of the different economic and financial statements of our clients when requested (all according to the recent accounting reform), often with the objective of analyzing their structure, business profitability (of assets Of the company and even how profitable the company is for its owners), the company's liquidity or cash flow and the risk involved in the company (the projection of the financial statements), the results being reflected in economic-financial reports The consolidated ones), which, in general, allow a quick understanding of the analyzes carried out. Thus, the Advisory can facilitate the following studies of your company9: Uses of the reports Analysis of liquidity (cash-flow) This analysis is a medium with which to evaluate the credit risk that runs your company, both short and long term. The tools we use in the Advisory with basically three: the short and long term liquidity ratios, the comparison between the working capital and the operational needs of funds and the average maturity period of the company (widely used in company analysis Commercial, industrial and service sectors).The three tools described above are also complemented with the basic aspects of the management of current balance sheet items. Analysis of profitability We analyze the economic risk and the financial risk of your company, measuring the profitability according to the different optics existing in the company. For this we use the analysis of the financial balance and the so-called profitability ratios. We also use financial leverage, the internal growth rate9; Profitability indicators in listed companies, Du Pont analysis; The integrated analysis of financial profitability as a product and, moreover, we propose margin and rotation strategies. Analysis of cash flows or cash flow from the cash flow statement, we perform a detailed analysis of different cash flow ratios as well as graphical analyzes to determine the company's liquidity. I[6]n any case, we remain at the disposal of the client to analyze the economic-financial information that is available as well as to prepare the economic-financial reports necessary for decision-making in the business field. The Importance of Financial Statements Reports From the point of view of users' needs in the time of profit, it was characterized by the measurement of assets and income. Due to the need properly kept financial system, this era led to the development of the Financial Statements, the net benefit being the most important information document prepared for both internal and external users. The leading role of accounting was due to the financial crisis of large companies that brought with them financial problems in smaller companies, as well as in individuals causing a generalized crisis that originated in the United States and had repercussions at world level; Bringing this as a consequence to standardize, reinforce and redefine the role of accounting to avoid in the future the generation of new problems with such dimensions. It is evident that for the first years and before the republican life of our nation, there were not abundant accounting records and much less tradition of vocatio n towards the corporation and improvement of this matter10[7]. The development of a report must have a logical framework of research that is based on the validity of the ideas expressed in the corporation. The method of exposing ideas is tested by the criterion of objectivity, so it is essential to follow an expository method, which refers to the work techniques used, the indicators and other variables considered. Conclusion and Recommendation Criminal and civil penalties and provisions In corporate reporting, the introduction of punitive provisions within the Corporations Act should be done if the report is not done fall within the provisions of the Act. Material misstatement should be charged as a criminal act. It should also face civil charges for a company that does not respect the guidelines and ethics of corporate reporting. Most reports that a company produces are financial statements reports that includes the balance sheet, the income statements, statements of cash flows and the companys equity report[8]. Most reporting managers and accounting managers should be liable for a 3-5 year jail sentence for material misstatement. Other sentences that are criminal should lead to maximum of 10 years in jail. For civil charges the company should be held accountable and should be penalized by the regulatory authorities while if it is trading in the ASX, its shares should momentarily be suspended from trading. If these reports are found to have major discrepancies, they may lead to misrepresentation of facts. Other reports in the company include; the chairmans report, the auditors annual report, management reports and the boards reports. ASIC regulatory guides 230 and 247 have urged corporations and corporate officers to improve corporate governance and ethics by improving corporate reporting. The development of a report must have a logical framework of research that is based on the validity of the ideas expressed in the corporation. The consolidated ones), which, in general, allow a quick understanding of the analyzes carried out. Thus, the Advisory can facilitate the following studies of your company: References Brennan, Niamh, Corporate Governance And Financial Reporting (SAGE, 2008) Brockett, Anne and Zabihollah Rezaee, Corporate Sustainability (Wiley, 2013) Brownlee, E. Richard, Corporate Financial Reporting (Mcgraw-Hill, 2002) Coffin, Zachary and Mike Willis, Corporate Reporting And The Internet ([FEI Research Foundation], 2002) Corporate Reporting Crowther, David, A Social Critique Of Corporate Reporting (Ashgate, 2002) Ganeri, Anita, Reports (Capstone Heinemann Library, 2013) Hall, George Derek Gordon, Bate's Case And "Lane's" Reports: The Authenticity Of A Seventeenth-Century Legal Text (at 1) Sutton, Tim, Corporate Financial Accounting And Reporting (Prentice Hall, 2006) Richard Brownlee, Corporate Financial Reporting (Mcgraw-Hill, 2002). Richard Brownlee, Corporate Financial Reporting (Mcgraw-Hill, 2002). achary Coffin and Mike Willis, Corporate Reporting And The Internet ([FEI Research Foundation], 2002). Corporate Reporting. David Crowther, A Social Critique Of Corporate Reporting (Ashgate, 2002). Tim Sutton, Corporate Financial Accounting And Reporting (Prentice Hall, 2006) Tim Sutton, Corporate Financial Accounting And Reporting (Prentice Hall, 2006) George Derek Gordon Hall, Bate's Case And "Lane's" Reports: The Authenticity Of A Seventeenth-Century Legal Text (at 1) Corporate Reporting. George Derek Gordon Hall, Bate's Case And "Lane's" Reports: The Authenticity Of A Seventeenth-Century Legal Text George Derek Gordon Hall, Bate's Case And "Lane's" Reports: The Authenticity Of A Seventeenth-Century Legal Text Tim Sutton, Corporate Financial Accounting And Reporting (Prentice Hall, 2006)
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