Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Best Protection Any Woman can Have is Courage - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 714 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Women's Suffrage Essay Did you like this example? The best protection any woman can have is courage. -Elizabeth Cady Stanton. This is an extremely powerful term that perfectly describes the time of Womens Suffrage in America. This was when women were pushing to get the right to vote. Because they were considered property then, it was a long, hard, and gruelling time to be a suffragette fighting for rights. Take a look at the pros and cons of women gaining the right to vote in 1920, due to the 19th amendment. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Best Protection Any Woman can Have is Courage" essay for you Create order There is an excruciatingly long list of pros of women gaining the right to vote, but here are three of the most evident. The first pro is self-evident. It is that women got the right to vote in Americas elections. I know that this sounds obvious, but at that time in Americas history, women were considered items that were owned by their husbands. This was the the most significant milestone in the fight to win womens rights. The second pro of women gaining the right to vote is that true feminism rose in the spirits of those women. By true feminism, I mean feminism that is real, practical, and logical. Feminism that says I want equal rights and I want them now!, not the feminism we see today through which women want to be over men and will be harmful to get there. At that time, women were filled with the American spirit of freedom and pride. The third pro comes from an article in which Alice Stone Blackwell states 16 reasons why women should vote. This article is extremely intellectual, eye-opening, and opinion-altering enough to where one could hope that thousands would see this article and show it to others. That shows how amazing women were at that time, and that they should have had much more power long before 1920. There are really no true cons to women gaining the right to vote. There are cons that have to do with the subject in one way or another, though. The first con of women gaining the right to vote is how long it took them to get that right. Like I mentioned earlier, women shouldve had much more power much sooner. After all, they would clean the house, cook the meals for the family, raise the children, and even tend to the land and animals while the husbands were off fighting in the Revolutionary War. The second con is how women were treated before, during, and after 1920. People treated them like property, even though women are worth so much more than anyone could imagine then. But people still treated them as if they didnt have a voice in society. The thoughts and actions of anti-suffragist men at that time were completely sexist, close-minded, and ignorant. The third con of women getting the right to vote came from the same article as the third con in the paragraph above. It is the f act that some of the points in that article could be objected and challenged by anti-suffragist groups. An example would be point 7, which states that if women could vote, criminal and malicious votes would be drowned out even more, because women only make up around 10% of people in prisons at that time. Someone could argue that the criminals voting wouldnt be bad and that women wanting to vote and not being submissive was as bad as a crime. If someone said that, it would tear the already divided country apart even more. All in all, Womens Suffrage was more than women wanting to vote. It inspired others across the world to let their voices be heard and is still doing that today. It defined the spirit of our country at that time. These times were formed by pioneers of Human Rights. Even though it divided America for some time, we are closer than ever now because of it. Bibliography Anti-Suffragism. Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Oct. 2018, Opposition to Suffrage. History of U.S. Womans Suffrage, Why Women Should Vote American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources. Planning D-Day (April 2003) Library of Congress Information Bulletin, Victor, suffrage/whyvote.html. Womens Suffrage. Ancient Greek Gods Goddesses Facts For Kids,
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Why Did The Buyout Clause Made It - 809 Words
Revolt is a rise away from constitution authority, Several slaves in the plantation revolted in the 1800s, but the Denmark vessey and Nat turner organized slave revolt is one of the most excellently and brilliant planned. Both men prepared strategically to override the institution of slavery. They were never contented with it, cause it made them sad. The revolts took time, courage, bravery and ambition, selfless to even have conceived this idea during that ambition. They were both leader in their community, who strives for greater black opportunities. Their resentment and meticulous planning to execute mass revolt have earned them a place in the history of African American. During the 1800s, some slaves were given the opportunity to buy themselves out of slavery. This is very rare and most of the time, the buyout clause is usually at a ridiculous fee. Which the blacks wouldn’t be able to afford, this even only happens with lenient masters. The possibility of the buyout clause made it possible for Denmark Vassey a slave originally of Haiti to buy his freedom. It is ironic to me that slaves that were not equal to the white men play the same lottery together. In fact, I have to say that he is very lucky, not for the whites to have denied him his right to the money. The total money he won was able to one thousand five hundred dollars equivalent to about two million dollars in today s money paid 600dollars for his freedom. Denmark sailed for almost 20years withShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Sale Of Neiman Marcus Group2597 Words  | 11 Pagessome ways be considered an acceptable trade as both parties are willing to go forward with the deal. Commitments: Goldman Sach had arranged for the sale of Neiman’s private-label credit card unit ( a noteworthy non-core asset.) A promise/offer was made known that the earnings gained from its sale would be given to the winning bidder. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
On the Movie Lord of the Flies Essay Example For Students
On the Movie Lord of the Flies Essay Essay On the Movie Lord of the FliesEssay On the Movie Lord of the FliesAfter viewing the movie The Lord of the Flies, I would say that this movie isnot worth watching. In this essay I will give 3 good reasons why one shouldnot waste time watching this film. The 3 reasons are the music, special effects,and the bad setting/props. First of all the music in the Lord of the Flies movie does not match the scenesto the movie. My first example is the choir song, Jacks choir always sings. Iwould say it was not suitable for the choir. The song kept repeating, andrepeating, I really got irritated hearing it over and over again. My secondexample is when the boys were hunting for the beast. The music was too slow. It didnt match mood of the boys when they were hunting. The music showed as ifthe boys are going to a party. Secondly, The special effects in the movie was not done properly for the film. My first example is the editing of the movie, explains they did not edit themovie carefully. When a scene was cut you could focus on a different picture,then go back to what happened. My second example is that the movie was blackand white. Since their was a lot of special effect in the film the movie shouldhave been coloured. The special effects would have looked neater since a lot ofkilling was shot. If the movie was coloured the audience would focus on thescreen often, rather than seeing a black and white screen. The settings and the props were not prepared well. My first example is that theboys shirts, were clean everyday. Their clothes should be black and grey,because of the dirt and all the smoke from the fire. For example Simons shirtwas a clean as white, when Simon was watching the other boys spill blood out ofthe pig. The island was to big, as the book describes it. There was no platform,and scar as described in the book. In conclusion, you should watch a coloured version of The Lord of the Flies. Iwould suggest that the book is also great to read. Thats why Im saying thatthis movie is not worth watching because the 3 good reasons I gave explains why. English
Monday, December 2, 2019
teen pregnancy (688 words) Essay Example For Students
teen pregnancy (688 words) Essay Becoming a parent permanently and profoundly changes any ones life. Most girls forget about their dreams, goals and college is almost always out of the question. Many mothers today are only fifteen or sixteen years old, some are even as young as twelve. All of a sudden young girls are forced into a world of responsibilities, where the babies needs come before her own. Young girls are expected to balance school, work and the full time task to raise a child. Her world is changed from dates, parties and sleeping in on Saturdays to the world of doctor appointments, diapers, bills and day care. We will write a custom essay on teen pregnancy (688 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many experts say that girls have babies due to a lack of self esteem. In some cases it could also be a symptom of having no better options. They need someone to love and someone to love them back. A baby gives them something to look forward to it gives them a meaning for life. A lot of teenage moms don?t think they have anything to loose. Many young girls never even receive any help from the babies father. This is a world wide problem. Communities and government help these young girls but sometimes that is just not enough. Many young girls don?t have any help from family and even worse they are kicked out of there parents home and have to turn to shelters. Another huge problem is having a child that will never know there father and sometimes spending a lifetime on welfare. Maybe if these young girls were given another chance, they would have taken another path, and not have kids at such an early age. This is a very strong topic for me, I was once one of these young girls trying to make ends meet and take care of a baby. I never finished high school and never had a good salary. A lot of time I would find myself going without so my child had everything he needed. I rarely ever received any help from my babies father it was a great struggle for me. I was very lucky, I had a great support group, parents, family and friends. Not every young girl has that support. Many young girls get pregnant not from guys there own age, but older guys and some may even be raped. Many communities help teen girls they will provide them with prenatal care, encourage them to make use of medical facilities. Teens need to be more educated about the complex role of parenthood. Teach them about nutrition, child development, health care, discipline and many more related topics. These young girls need to be encouraged to stay in school and develop job skills. We need to sponsor programs for pregnant teens for the prevention of pregnancy before they are ready. Many girls under the age of fourteen will get pregnant, many will give birth and some may have abortions. It is surprising that that in the end, the kids who receive help now, will most likely be the ones who escape the cycle of children having children. In my opinion, the next generation will be kids whose parents are still kids. The parents are not that much older then their kids. Kids wont have a hard time understanding there parent because there parents will better understand them. If you look at this situation from another angle, what can inexperienced teenage girls offer there children? They cant teach there child right from wrong because many of them don?t know it either. This has been an issue of wrong and right for a long time, ideas of how to work through it are there, but somehow somewhere we have to enforce better ideas. What is being done is I guess not enough to work it out, if it is such a major issue and it concerns many I don?t know if in the future something will give, but for now, there are a lot of young girls with a big and serious task and there is definitely no need for young girls to have that task. .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e , .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .postImageUrl , .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e , .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e:hover , .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e:visited , .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e:active { border:0!important; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e:active , .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufff3b8f8bd94895eb56350ce5d64606e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Doll House Essay China
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