Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Charles Darwin and the Development and impact of t Essays
Charles Darwin and the Development and impact of t Essays Charles Darwin and the Development and impact of the Theory of Evolution by Natural and Sexual Selection Introduction It is commonly thought today that the theory of evolution originated from Darwin in the nineteenth century. However, the idea that species mutate over time has been around for a long time in one form or another. Therefore, by Darwins time the idea that species change from one type into another was by no means new, but was rejected by most because the proponents of evolution could not come up with a satisfactory mechanism that would explain this change. The most influential evolutionary theories prior to Darwin were those of Lamarck and Geoffroy St. Hilaire, developed between 1794 and 1830. Lamarck suggested that species evolve through the use or disuse of particular organs. In the classic example a giraffe that stretches its neck slightly to reach higher leaves will gain in neck length, and this small gain would be passed on to its offspring. Geoffroy, on the other hand suggested that the change was discontinuous, large in magnitude, and occurred at the production of offspring. However, these theories of evolution were based on a priori explanations that offered no demonstrated mechanism. Darwins theory of evolution differs in that it is based on three easily verified observations. First, individuals within a species vary from one another in morphology, physiology, and behavior. Second, variation is in some part heritable so that variant forms have offspring that resemble them. Third, different variants leave different number of offspring. Darwin than proceeded to elaborate on the mechanism of evolution by suggesting that in the universal struggle for life, nature selects those individuals who are best suited (fittest) for the struggle, and these individuals in turn reproduce more than those who are less fit, thus changing the composition of the population. In addition to natural selection, Darwin also suggested that species also evolve through the complementary process of sexual selection. According to Darwin, in sexual selection, one gender of a species develops a preference for individuals of the other gender who possess certain features. The individuals who possess these features will than have a reproductive advantage over others, resulting in a greater number of offspring, and thus, again, a change in the composition of the population. Therefore, it was Darwin who made the theory of evolution feasible by providing the mechanisms of natural and sexual selection. Darwins Formative Years Charles Darwin was born in England in 1809 and belonged to a wealthy and respectable family. His grandfather, Erasamus Darwin, was a noted botanical expert in his day who published two important books, Zoonomia, and the Botanic Garden. In these books, Erasamus speculated about various evolutionary ideas that were dismissed as too radical (i.e., the nose of the swine has become hard for the purpose of turning up the soil in search of insects and roots). Darwin who in his youth read his grandfathers books with admiration, later commented that his grandfather anticipated the views and erroneous grounds of opinion of Lamarck. Nevertheless, Erasamus may have unconsciously influenced Darwin in preparing the way for evolution by natural selection. In 1818, at the age of 9, Darwin entered the Shrewsbury school, which was ran by Dr. Butler. Darwin later recalled that nothing could have been worse for the development of my mind than Dr. Butlers school, as it was strictly classical, nothing else being taught , except a little ancient geography and history. The school as a means of education to me was simply a blank. He was removed from the school in 1825, and was sent to Edinburgh to study medicine. There he studied for two years before deciding that he didnt like medicine. But before he left Edinburgh, he was introduced for the first time to the theories of Lamarck. According to Darwin at the time he was not very impressed with Lamarcks ideas. In 1828, at his fathers suggestion, Darwin entered Christs College in Cambridge to become a clergyman. To Darwin a good education meant instruction in the methods and logic of thought. Therefore, Just about the only thing he enjoyed studying there was Paleys works on theology, because of their logic. For the rest, however, he judged Cambridge
Saturday, November 23, 2019
6 Skills and Traits Employers Want in a Receptionist
6 Skills and Traits Employers Want in a Receptionist Over one million receptionist jobs exist in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Demand for administrative professionals extends across most industries, from general practical medical clinics to Realtor offices. If youre looking for a job as a receptionist, sharpen these seven skills to give yourself a competitive advantage.1. OrganizationWhether theyre booking travel arrangements for executives, populating spreadsheets with data, greeting visitors, or answering phones, receptionists must stay on top of their to-do lists. Sometimes this means moving from one task to another at a moments notice.Exhibit your organizational skills by arriving for interviews on time. Take notes when you meet with employers to show that you value organization in your work life.2. FriendlinessReceptionists serve as the public faces of the companies that employ them. They welcome visitors through the front door, offer guests refreshments, and connect callers to the appropriate par ty.When interviewing for a job, show prospective employers your ability to put others at ease. A smile, a firm handshake, and a friendly personality help grease the wheels of employment.3. Active ListeningAccording to Psychology Today, social media and other influences have shortened attention spans to as few as 20 seconds. A receptionist needs active listening skills to quickly process requests from visitors and superiors.To improve your active listening skills, maintain eye contact with correspondents and ask clarifying questions. Remember the names of people with whom you speak and refer to them by name every so often to demonstrate your attentiveness.4. Technology AdaptabilitySeveral years ago, a receptionist who could create spreadsheets and respond to email could hold his or her own in this position. Now, however, receptionists use dozens of different software applications. They might manage their employers social media accounts or access web-based accounting programs.With the wide variety of computer solutions available to employers, you cant easily anticipate which program youll need to use on the job. Focus instead on familiarizing yourself with technology in general. Use the computer frequently and increase your comfort level with the user interfaces of different programs.5. MemoryHave you ever walked into a business, such as your bank or supermarket, and responded with a smile when an employee greeted you by name? Memory skills serve receptionists well because a good memory allows them to respond to and even anticipate others needs.If you suffer from frequent forgetfulness, start carrying a pad of paper and a pen wherever you go. Jot down notes to help you remember key details. Not only can you refer to your notes later, but actively writing down key information makes it more likely to stick in your mind. The U.S. Air Force reports that people remember 90 percent of the things they do (versus 75 percent of what they see and 20 percent of what they hear).6. CommunicationReceptionists write emails, answer phone calls, dictate memos, and meet with customers. They articulate messages between colleagues and correspond with business associates. All of these activities require advanced communication skills.If you struggle with communication, develop a familiar script for communicating with others. For example, when you greet visitors, use similar language to welcome them, ask them what they need, and invite them to sit down.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
National Drug Control Strategy Structure Research Paper
National Drug Control Strategy Structure - Research Paper Example There is a need to re-evaluate the approach that is in use. In order to be able to deal with this problem, several issues have to be looked into. The most fundamental is the availability of treatment, stigma related issues and availability of financial recourses. Although treatment for addiction is available in many places, in the United States, challenges still exist when it comes to accessibility and quality of services rendered. It is disturbing to note that those charged with the responsibility of treating substance abuse and addiction often criticize others that do not use methods similar to theirs (Califano, 2007). It should be noted that people need to be treated using different approaches depending on their level of addiction (USDHHS, 2009). High-end treatment centers tend to look down on public programs. Nonresidential programs/outpatient looks down on residential programs terming them unnecessary, expensive rip off programs (Califano, 2007). Every treatment center wants its’ approach to treatment to be considered the best. This should not be the case. Encouraging such behavior deals a serious blow to the fight against drug addiction. It is also not encouraging to those addicts that are willing to come out and seek help. The perception that the quality of treatment is not the same at different treatment centers should be eradicated (Ortiz, 2011). Treatment should be available to all patients regardless of the approach they use in seeking treatment. Whether public, private, inpatient or outpatient, the goal should be to ensure that the addict gets assistance to become clean. The government should subsidize the cost for treatment of drug addiction as much as possible. Organizations such as the Drug-Free Communities which is a support program can be used as treatment centers besides implementing anti-drug abuse strategies (Kerlikowske, 2011).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
COM 263 assignment # 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
COM 263 assignment # 3 - Essay Example By understanding this, she could choose her words to convey the intellectual meaning without the cultural identity becoming an obstacle. This would extend to her non-verbal communications such as attire, stance, and demeanor. Cross culture communications requires that we look at ourselves and reach beyond our limitations in an effort to fit ourselves into the situational context and become more universal (Fitzgerald, 197). Understanding our own cultural identities is the building block that intellectual communication is based on. Being a woman and returning to school as an older student has influenced my ability to communicate effectively between cultures. As a woman, I must be aware that my communication may become genderized. When speaking to a male or mixed audience, it is imperative that I understand the communication methods I have acquired as a female as well as the perception of the audience. If I am speaking to a diverse audience that has various ethnic groups or races, it is important that I understand how my identity is viewed by their culture. If I were speaking about the right of a woman to equal pay for equal work, my vocabulary and presentation would vary depending on if I am speaking to a black woman or a Muslim man. As an older student, I can be caught mistakenly thinking that I know more than lifes experience has actually given me. My skills at presenting a case for a viewpoint may be lacking even though I have an emotional understanding of the argument. My identity as older does not directl y coincide with that of being a better student. When communicating with other students, age may garner respect or the opposite may occur. Only by understanding my own identity can I find ways to communicate more clearly and effectively deal with this obstacle. In the situation of working in another department temporarily, there are several identities that are brought to the situation. An important identity is that all the people work for the same company.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Internet Child Porn Essay Example for Free
Internet Child Porn Essay According to UNICEF, the United States and Somalia are the only two countries that have not yet ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, Somalia currently has no legally recognized government and cannot ratify anything at all, leaving the United States as the only country that still does not agree with it. The Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography reports that Bill Clinton did not submit it to the Senate for deliberation and ratification. Perhaps he was too busy with Monica Lewinsky, and maybe the Republicans under Bush were too busy in airport restrooms like Senator Larry Craig. But perhaps Obama can do something about it. Child abuse through internet pornography is growing. In fact, the United States Department of Justice approximates one million children in the United States alone, who were victims of pornographers (Levesque 65). Indeed, tougher internet child-pornography regulations need to be enforced because it continues to be rampant, digital technology has made it easier to proliferate, and the graphic pornography is increasingly becoming more brutal. Internet child pornography is rampant and increasing. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) asserts that â€Å"approximately 20% of all internet pornography involves children. †It is a â€Å"growing crisis. †The Internet Watch Foundation also reports that since 1997, internet child pornography increased by approximately 1,500%. Furthermore, internet child pornography is growing because it generates high revenue. Roger Levesque, in Sexual Abuse of Children reports that child pornography is a multi-billion dollar business. It is also one of the fastest growing internet criminal segments (Ferraro, et al. ). The growth and high demand for it is fueled by addiction, just like illegal drugs. As Ryan Singel of Wired reports, â€Å"Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday. †Pedophiles are addicted to child pornography, which they use for personal sexual arousal, trading with fellow pedophiles, training for future child abuse victims, or inducement for child prostitution (Crosson-Tower 208). Consequently, the high demand for addictive internet child pornography increases child abuse cases. As, the Guardian reports, â€Å"Demand for child pornography on the internet has led to an increase in sex abuse cases. †It also adds, â€Å"many paedophiles acknowledged that exposure to child sex images fuelled their fantasies and played an important part in leading them to commit physical sexual offences against children. †Unsupervised children using the internet naively are â€Å"groomed for abuse while accessing chat rooms. If the victims take the bait, they become part of future pornographic productions. The increase in popularity of social-media internet sites such as MySpace has increased these chances, whereas in the past, kidnapping by total strangers made it more difficult for pedophiles to capture victims. Moreover, the Internet Watch Foundation through the Associated Press reports that â€Å"Child pornography on the Internet is becoming more brutal and graphic, and the number of images depicting violent abuse has risen fourfold since 2003. Marlise Simons of the New York Times also reports that â€Å"even babies and infants were peddled via the Internet and other media to clients in Europe, Russia and the United States. †Indeed, the Internet facilitates the distribution of child pornography. In the section Law Enforcement Efforts Against Child Pornography Are Ineffective of Philip Jenkin’s book At Issue: Child Sexual Abuse, he points out â€Å"overwhelming evidence†that child pornography â€Å"is all but impossible to obtain through nonelectronic means. The US Department of Justice also reports that because of the Internet’s â€Å"technological ease, lack of expense, and anonymity in obtaining and distributing child pornography,†it â€Å"has resulted in an explosion in the availability, accessibility, and volume of child pornography. †Furthermore, in 2001, â€Å"There are estimated to be one million pornographic images of children on the internet, many of them featuring children from third world countries being abused by affluent sex tourists from the west†(Wellard 26). UNICEF also reports that â€Å"a single child pornography site receives a million hits a month. †In order to receive that much Internet traffic, organized crime groups use sophisticated computer technology to evade detection. Pornographers can send viruses to unwitting Internet users without their knowledge to gain control of their computers, which can be transformed into file servers that can remotely store images and videos of child pornography for downloading later. This happened to Michael Fiola, an unsuspecting man in Massachusetts who was wrongfully charged for possessing child pornography. As Matthew Healey of the Associated Press reports, â€Å"Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography. †After a virus infected Fiola’s laptop and downloaded heinous pictures and videos into his computer, his employer discovered it through the internet bill, and he â€Å"was fired and charged with possession of child pornography, which carries up to five years in prison. He endured death threats, his car tires were slashed and he was shunned by friends. †But he and his wife â€Å"fought the case, spending $250,000 on legal fees. They liquidated their savings, took a second mortgage and sold their car. †Eventually, charges were dropped after prosecutors confirmed the defense findings. â€Å"It ruined my life, my wifes life and my familys life,†says Fiola. These sophisticated techniques emanates from hidden internet levels, where 50,000 to 100,000 online organized pedophiles, one-third American, gather together, as asserted by Jenkins in his book Beyond Tolerance: Child Pornography Online. With the advent of web-cams and digital photography and video, even from cell phones, home-made child porn is now easy to produce. Peer-to-peer networking, wherein internet users can share files with each other instead of downloading it, along with the use of data encryption, file division and passwords, also makes any illegal porn difficult to detect, as reported by the Internet Watch Foundation. Truly, law enforcement is weak in battling child porn. As of 2008, the International Centre for Missing Exploited Children (ICMEC) reports that 93 out of 187 countries do not have child-porn-specific laws. And out of the 94 that do have anti-child-porn laws, 36 do not criminalize the possession of child pornography. And according to Interpol statistics, only 1% of child-porn abuse victims are located each year by law enforcers, as reported by Emily Friedman in ABC News. Furthermore, violators found with images of post-pubescent minors, even if it is illegal, are often not prosecuted (Wells, et al 277). Currently, China has the most effective method in the war against child pornography. Right now, the US uses highly inefficient methods. To mitigate its image as the porn search engine of the world, Google develops software to fight child porn. In 2008, Google adapted software for its search engine to track child porn that is available through its search engine, as reported by Maggie Shiels of BBC News. The FBI also posts hyperlinks on the World Wide Web that advertise child porn. Then they raid the homes of internet users who click on the links, as Declan McCullagh writes in CNet. Moreover, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOPP), established in 2006, attempts to target the assets or finances of organized child-porn rings, as Jamie Doward from the Guardian reports. But China simply blocks all porn and American social-media sites from the Internet. China is known very well for its internet censorship and harsh penalties for drug trafficking. Drug use in the country is one of the lowest in the world. As Reuters reports in December 2009, â€Å"The Chinese government has run a highly publicized campaign against what officials said were banned smutty and lewd pictures overwhelming the countrys Internet and threatening the emotional health of children. They also add that â€Å"China has banned a number of popular websites and Internet services, including Googles Youtube, Twitter, Flickr and Facebook, as well as Chinese content sharing sites. †Jennifer Guevin of CNET also writes, â€Å"Google acknowledged last year that the Chinese government asked it to disable a search feature with the goal of censoring pornography. †In response to CNET’s report, Myles Taylor, a reader, commented, â€Å"I wish wed take some pages from their book and start cracking down on child pornographers, pedophiles and such. †In conclusion, law enforcement on child pornography is too weak and tougher regulations need to be implemented to combat this crisis. It would be very effective and simple if the US government were willing to simply block all porno and social-media-sharing sites from the Web, but the US First Amendment would prohibit that. However, unless US lawmakers do something drastic, such as revising the US Constitution, shoppers will continue to see the photographs of missing children on milk cartons, reminding them that their child could be the next victim of thousands of pedophiles simply waiting for the next opportunity.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Financial Aid in Education Essay -- Persuasive Argumentative Essays
Financial Aid in Education A guy in $50,000 of debt has got to be irresponsible with his money right? Actually, it is more likely that he is a college student. Hundreds of thousands of college students around the country are in a financial predicament because of the government?s impersonal financial aid policies. The federal government?s current system has too many quirks which end up hurting the people that financial aid is supposed to help. The federal government should change its financial aid policies to take several more factors, such as the percentage of educational expenses paid by the student, into account. Under the present system, all students applying for federal aid file a form called the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form is meant to figure out the amount of money a family is able to shell out for an education, or the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Assuming the student does not qualify for independent status, both the expected contributions from the student and the parents are included in the EFC. In order for a student to get independent status you have to be married or over the age of twenty-four. After filing the FAFSA, the student will receive back a Student Aid Report (SAR) which includes the Expected Family Contribution. The way most schools determine the amount of aid you will receive is to subtract the Expected Family Contribution from the total costs of the university. Total costs include such things as tuition, room and board, insurance, and other miscellaneous expenses. The student receives the difference in loans and grants. A loan is finan cial aid that will have to be paid back, normally after the student graduates. A grant does not have to be paid back. A scholarship... ...y the government. There are several small ways that the government could improve their financial aid policies to make them more responsive to the student. I believe that all of the changes I have suggested are feasible. They might take some tinkering, but in the end they would be a change for the better. These changes would make it possible for the FAFSA to more fairly represent the needs of the student. It would never hurt to have the government put more money into education, but even if they do not, they need to do a better job of distributing the aid they give. Sources Cited: Kantrowitz, Mark. "Financial Aid Estimation Calculator." FinAid. 1999. http://www.finaid.org/calculators/finaidestimate.phtml (13 Nov 00) DAV. "Student Guide 2000-2001." U.S. Department of Education. 2000. http://www.ed.gov/prog_info/SFA/StudentGuide/2000-1/index.html (13 Nov 00)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Different Aspects of Management Essay
Two of the most important person in every company is managers and leaders. Although both are important in every company and may have the same traits in order to be effective in their own field, there are also some differences in being a manager and being a leader. Thus, being a manager is not equal to being a leader and vice versa.         Management refers to the activities that are often participated by a group of people. This people in the management are involved in the four general functions. The management functions involved planning, organizing, leading and coordinating of the resources. Planning includes knowing and identifying goals, objectives, methods as well as the resources needed to carry out this methods, responsibilities and dates of completion of the task. In organizing resources, it is important to achieve the goals in the best possible and the most favorable manner and approach. Leading or setting direction, creating vision and mission which is so important in knowing where the company are and where should they go in the future run. Controlling or coordinating the organizations system that includes monitoring and adjustments to reach the companies define goals and objectives. These four functions are highly integrated all through the companies or organizations. The managers are believed to be the brains of the business. They are the one who created rules and operating procedures, recognized and established the system and put this into place. Management is about the people but it is a fact to be considered that people are important as a way to run the company and to make the work done. The company or the organization has the greatest chance to be successful when all of its people, employees, leaders or manager work together to achieve their goals. Leadership involves the practice and exercising the influence of one to the other. Leading is different from managing because leading is more on influencing people while managing is more focused on the resources in addition to the people. Leading is the business heart. The heart and the real meaning of leadership is that it inspires and recognize that people in the company are likely to resist making major changes for a variety of reasons, including fear of the unknown, inadequacy to deal with the change and whether the change will result in an adverse effect on their jobs. People need to feel that their concerns are being heard. Leaders must widely communicate the need for the change and how the change can be accomplished successfully. Leaders must listen to the employees – people need to feel that the approach to change will include their strong contribution and ongoing involvement. They want to feel respected enough by leaders to be involved and to work toward a vision that is realistic, yet promising in the long run.            The similarities between leadership and management are that both the heart and the brain are important in bringing out the best for the company and in achieving the success. Having operating procedures as well as rules and having clearly defined goals and objectives mission and vision or preparation for the future provide a direction and meaning to everyday activities of the company, and this is the same as having a successful leaders and managers. Whether they called a leader or a manager they have to learn to do just the same thing for both of them is accountable for the whole performance of their group. Manager or a leader it does not matter because manager or leader they still have to give the people their help, manager or leader they are expected to held their hands, to reach their people and to make it become a contributing part of the team, something bigger than who they really are. Managers or leaders have to coach, counsel, correct, encourage, and set goals and vision for having a vision is one of the most powerful components to achieve change and future success. A leader and manager with a clear vision were believed to be a good and effective. All successful managers and leaders have visions of what would they want to see in the future.         A manager may serve as a motivator and a coach when he or she is acting as the leader of a team. Such actions may involve encouraging the workers in performing their job well. Managers may also establish benefits and other things that may help the company in gaining the trust, respect and loyalty of the workers. In this way, the manager serves as a motivator for the workers in doing their job well. Managers are may also be referred to as leader of leaders since they are the one who are responsible in several aspects regarding the company’s actions and must therefore give orders and instructions to other personnel. In this way, a manager serves as a coach in handling different personnel of the company.         All managers must be good leaders but not the other way around. There many good leaders in their own field but are not managers. Thus, although both are important in for the company, a greater responsibility is in the hands of the manager. Still, the every company needs good leaders who are able to maximize the potential of every worker. References Bock, W. (2007). Does it matter whether we call something management or leadership?. Retrieved January 26, 2008 from http://blog.threestarleadership.com/2007/12/10/does-it-matter-whether-we-call-something-management-or-leadership.aspx McNamara, C. (2007). Introduction to management. Retrieved January 26, 2008 from http://www.managementhelp.org/mng_thry/mng_thry.htm Robins, S. (2008). The difference between managing and leading. Retrieved January 26, 2008 from http://www.entrepreneur.com/management/leadership/article57304.html Young, D. (2008). A study of similarities and differences between leadership and management: implications for assessment centres. Retrieved January 26, 2008 from http://www.assessmentcenters.org/2006/con_Similarities_Differences.asp
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Individual project Essay
Andy Rexford has started a cottage industry in his garage for catering for the niche market. Soon that market grows and so does his business. With this fast pace growth in the business Andy has expanded his business from one stitch machine to six stitch machine in the short period of time. Recently, Andy has developed a business plan which clearly states the good future growth and lots of financing required. Andy does not have much money of his own to invest in the business, so he is looking for the external financing sources. In this report, I will be discussing the different sources of external financing along with their advantages and drawbacks, and then I will be decided which source is the best for the Andy’s business. Sources of financing: There are various sources of financing the business but the most critical aspect is to understand which sources are appropriate for that particular business and how much finances do we needed. The assessment of sources is totally judgmental. Along with the judgment, it is also dependent on how willing he is to share the information about his business and ownership with others. Sources of finances are divided into 2 broad categories: -Internal financing -External financing. Andy’s savings and income are already been exhausted in the process of growth, and he requires more financing. To help Andy to take the decision wisely I will be discussing few external financing sources. External sources: External financing includes ownership capital and non-ownership capital. These two categories are divided into other several categories. For the business like Andy’s following three non-ownership capital financing is suitable. †¢ Banks †¢ Venture investors †¢ Small business association (SBA) Banks: They are the financial institution who lends the money to the businesses and individuals and charges an amount of interest against it. They are the hardest place to find the finances as the bank does not grant the loan very easily but the time is been changing now bank has come up many different loan schemes against which people are been given loans. A bank loan is considered as most desired mode of financing. People considered it as the most desirable because it is at times very speedy if you have good credit standing in the market you can get a loan in no time. Moreover, you can use that money in various ways and accountable for none. Although there are some advantages in getting a loan from the bank but there are some disadvantages as well. Disadvantages like, some loans carry a prepayment plenty so the borrower could not pay the amount early (Scarborough, 2006). Venture investors: Venture investors are those people who wealthy individuals, corporate and formal institutions who are willing to invest in the new business and growing businesses. In return for providing the capital to the businesses, they usually require a percentage of ownership in the company along with control over the strategic direction and payment assorted fees. â€Å"Private equity provides capital and access to a network that can transform a company into an industry player,†Karen E. Klein noted in Business Week. â€Å"But the price is high: a chunk of your business. †Like every other financing source, there are some advantages and disadvantages as well. The main advantage for the start-up business is that they are not obligated to repay the money. And the involvement of the high profile businessmen can also increase the credibility of new business. The main disadvantage an entrepreneur can have from the venture investor is that they become the part owners of the business, and thus they have the rights have a say in the decisions. The business owner faces a dilution of their position as owners and possible loss of power of controlling the business (Scarborough, 2006). Small business association: Small business association is the organizations in United States formed by the government that helps the entrepreneurs to start up their business. Small business association acts as the guarantor of loans for the people who do not qualify for the commercial loans. The advantages related to the small business association are that since it’s a government formed organization to encourage the businessman, they are charging very low interest rate as in comparison to the commercial banks. SBA takes a very quick decision regarding the approvals of loans to the people. There are many advantages attached to the SBA that makes it is desirable for the businessman but there is a gloomy side of this loan as well. Since its government loan no matter what happens to your business you have to pay off this loan before any other debt. Moreover, there is more paper work required than in commercial bank. The government wants to make sure that you are truly eligible for this particular loan or not. Andy’s source of financing: Andy should opt for the bank loan as it suits to the requirements of his business. Future of his business is very bright and there is a guarantee that his business will get double the size within next two years. So giving the ownership in his business would not be advisable if he wants to have all the profit, and he can have them as the matter of fact. As for the SBA, they have very long repayment schedule though the rate is a low but 20-30 years time period does not worth for that kind of loan. Since Andy only needs $700,000, which can be repaid within 2 years because the annual profit of Andy is 750,000. He can easily pay off this loan with 2 years. Hence it is suitable for Andy to take the bank loan. Conclusion: There are various sources of finances. Some financing can be done internally while some can be borrowed from others. In the case of Andy his earning is already been consumed in the expansion of the business. So it is suggested to him that he should take the bank loan because he does not need to give the ownership to the venture investors and does not need to give whole life to pay that loan. Bank loan will be the most desirable suggestion as Andy can pay this loan payoff this loan within two years. Moreover, he does not need to give any ownership to anyone.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Adverse Effects And Prevention Of Child Abuse Social Work Essays
Adverse Effects And Prevention Of Child Abuse Social Work Essays Adverse Effects And Prevention Of Child Abuse Social Work Essay Adverse Effects And Prevention Of Child Abuse Social Work Essay Abuse occurs when people mistreat other people, demoing no concern for their unity or innate worth as persons, and in a mode that degrades their well being. Harmonizing to World of Health Organization ( 1999 ) , kid maltreatment or ill-treatment constitutes all signifiers of physical and or emotional ailment intervention, sexual maltreatment, disregard or negligent intervention or commercial or other development, ensuing in existent or possible injury to the kid s wellness, endurance, development or self-respect in the context of a relationship of duty, trust or power. In recent old ages child maltreatment has received close attending from the media, scientific, and public concern, and with increased populace and professional consciousness has become a crisp rise in the figure of reported instances. The true prevalence of kid maltreatment is non known because of underreporting and variableness of describing methods, instruments, sites, and newsmans.Most chil d maltreatment occurs in a kid s place, with a little group in the environing organisation, schools or communities the kid interacts with. Child maltreatment takes a assortment of signifiers. When the kid maltreatment take the neglect signifier, the failure to supply the assorted indispensable demands such as nutrient, shelter, vesture, emotional demands, medical attention and instruction is normally noticed. Besides it occurs when parents or defenders fail to execute responsibilities and duties including supervising, nurturance, and protection which autumn within bounds of their ability and societal circumstances.While in physical maltreatment, the physical aggression such as contact, combustion, and agitating the organic structure is directed at the kid. It besides refers to the knowing usage of physical force aimed at aching, wounding, or destructing the kid. There is adequate scientific cogent evidence suggests that sometimes physical injury is result from inability of parent to raise their kids and as a manner of look of their defeat. Child sexual maltreatment is another signifier of kid maltreatment which defines as any signifier of sexual contact or exposure without consent, or when the victim is incapable of giving consent ( Elizabeth, 2005 ) .Usually parents do non talk to kids about gender or even reply their inquiries that related to normal developmental growing. The ground behind that lies in a traditional conservative household and community construction that does non speak about any issue interfere with sex.As a consequence of this many of sexual abuse the kid faces do non acquire reported to any 1. Out of all the different signifiers of maltreatment, emotional maltreatment is the hardest to place.It is besides refer as psychological maltreatment.This signifier may includes inordinate unfavorable judgment, inappropriate or inordinate demands, devastation of personal properties and keep backing communicating by others. Emotional maltreatment is the failure to supply supportive environment in which the kid can develop a stable and full scope of emotional and societal competences that a re needed in his developmental subsequently phases. Any emotional harm in kid can do farther injury to his physical, mental, and societal development. Child maltreatment is a complex job which consequences from multiple factors. Understanding those factors is of import, so that the intervention and the actions will be good defined. The most outstanding one among the factors is being raised by opprobrious parent. When an equal history is taken we find that the opprobrious parents have a anterior background of unequal raising as brought up with unexplained penalty and cruel intervention by their ain households, so most of them were abused likewise as they abuse their kids. In some instances parents believe that their methods of learning subject are acceptable.In other instances parents are ambivalent about their methods and admit that they do non hold any coping mechanisms so fall into behaviours similar to those of their ain parents. Harmonizing to Elizabeth ( 2005 ) , parent who grew up watching their female parents being beaten are at hazard to hold force in their ain households. Abusive parents have unrealistic outlooks of their kids and normally bury their indispensable demands to turn healthy. Parents tend to handle abused kid as if the kid were older than them. They frequently seek for comfort, reassurance, and protection from the kid and anticipate a loving response. Nerve-racking populating conditions such as overcrowding and poorness can lend to mistreat toward kids. Social isolation, the deficiency of a support system and matrimonial jobs increase the possible for maltreatment of kids. Besides such environmental crises as unemployment, lodging jobs, and fiscal force per unit area cause emphasis in households and hence maltreatment. In the existent life there are many unemployed households, many stripling parents, and many hapless parents who take fantastic attention of their kids. Poverty entirely or unemployment entirely dose non explain maltreatment, but if one of those jobs associated with other taking factors, the kid is more likely to see maltreatment in his childhood. Mental upsets can play a f unction in child maltreatment.Parent who are depressed, psychotic, or have sever personality upsets may see their kids as bad or as seeking to drive them brainsick. A mentally sick parent may retreat from their kids, or easy acquire choler without understanding the ground.Such intervention for those health professionals means better attention for the kids.Furthermore life with alcoholic or substance maltreater is really hard for kids as they are covering with individuals who are non in their right heads and therefore taking to mistreat them easy. A survey by Famular R, Kinscherff R, Fenton T ( 1992 ) , found that over two tierces of instances of kid maltreatment involved parents with substance maltreatment jobs. This specifically found relationships between intoxicant and physical maltreatment, and between cocaine and sexual maltreatment. Another factor that can increase kid s exposure to mistreat is raising kid with disablements or mental deceleration. Children with extraordinary d emands may increase the load of attention on the health professional and in bend higher the stress degree. Besides certain features in kid can trip maltreatment like those who are overly shouting or are un normally demanding and who are overactive.Many abused kids are perceived by their parents as being different, decelerate in development, bad, or hard to train. The results of kid maltreatment are normally discussed in term of physical, psychological, behavioural, and social effects. In world it is hard to divide them wholly. The result of kid maltreatment is multifactorial, depending on the badness, continuance, nature of the maltreatment, and on the kid s exposures.Children who already suffer from mental deceleration, physical disablements, and attending shortage upsets are likely to hold a poorer result than those who are mentally and physically good. Childs who are abused for long periods in their childhood and even in their adolescence are more likely to show harm than those who have experienced merely brief episodes of maltreatment. The immediate physical effects of maltreatment can be minor such as contusions and lacerations or break up such as breaks, caput hurts, and even decease. In some instances the physical effects are impermanent and may be forgotten by the clip, but the hurting and agony that experienced by the kid should non be discounted.Child maltreatment have been shown to do of import countries of the encephalon to neglect to turn decently ensuing in impaired development. This can take to long term effects on linguistic communication, cognitive, and academic abilities. Furthermore grownup who experienced maltreatment in his childhood are more likely to endure from physical jobs such as allergic reactions, asthma, chronic bronchitis and high blood force per unit area. Exposure to mistreat can adversely impact kids s development because the energy needed to successfully carry through developmental undertakings goes to get bying with maltreatment ( Lawson 1998 ; Beauchesne et al.1997 ) as cited by Kacker, L. , Veradan, S. , and Kumar, P. ( 2007 ) .Psychological effects can be serious and long lasting.Abused kids may see a womb-to-tomb form of depression, anxiousness, low ego regard, and confronting troubles in doing any relationships.Also some of them may endure from eating upsets and show ill will. As they grow up and specifically as adolescents, they find problems to swear, take part in, and achieve felicity in interpersonal relationships. Behavioral effects will non be experienced by all abused kids. Behavioral jobs that lead to pregnancy in early age, low academic public presentation, substance usage, and mental wellness jobs are more likely to see by the abused individual. In add-on to that many victims of maltreatment tend to smoke coffin nails, maltreatment intoxicant and act such condemnable behaviours that made them arrested several times during their life-time. Society as a whole pays a monetary value for kid maltreatment.Some costs of kid maltreatment are straightforward such as infirmary costs for medical intervention of hurts.Other costs are indirectly shown in low academic public presentation and womb-to-tomb mental jobs. So child maltreatment impacts non merely the kid and household but the society every bit good. Preventive steps or programmes directed their end at either decrease or minimisation of abuse.Perinatal and postpartum programmes that emphasize on the importance of constructing a loving relationship aimed at understanding the babe demands and enhancing of positive interaction.Moreover public instruction programmes will be helpful in supplying the chance for specific learning on kid attention, raising, and particular classs in the topic of maltreatment with it is different signifiers. Besides constitution of kid intervention and instruction programmes that deal with the abused kid or the kid who is at hazard considered as indispensable elements to be included. Harmonizing to Bankowski A ; Carballo ( 1985 ) a proper communicating should be established between societal workers, baby doctors, constabulary, nurses, and any other community workers that deal straight with the kid maltreatment in order to forestall farther effects of maltreatment and to supply station event attention. The primary duty of protecting kids from maltreatment and neglect prevarications with the households or the primary health professionals. However, communities and all other stakeholders are besides responsible for the attention and protection of kids. To reason, eastern states still behind the western 1s in developing the complete system to cover with the abused kid. There should be an constitution of kid maltreatment unit within the authorities responsible for entering the instances, look intoing the predisposing factors and carry oning research workers. Besides the demand to hold particular units to cover with kid maltreatment in constabulary Stationss, infirmaries, and instruction sections. Training of forces in the early sensing and bar of kid maltreatment will assist in diminishing the Numberss of child maltreatment victims.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Calls for a Comma Before Because
5 Calls for a Comma Before Because 5 Calls for a Comma Before â€Å"Because†5 Calls for a Comma Before â€Å"Because†By Mark Nichol Use of the word because as a subordinating conjunction to link a main clause to a subordinating clause should be simple, but a sentence’s meaning often hinges on whether it’s preceded by a comma. A straightforward sentence such as â€Å"We’re off to see the wizard because of the wonderful things he does†requires no comma; the meaning of this sentence â€Å"This is what we’re doing, and that is why we’re doing it†is unambiguous. But when the sentence begins with a negative proposition, that’s not the case, as these examples show: 1. â€Å"Few adult Romanians speak English because it was forbidden during the Ceausescu era.†This sentence, as (not) punctuated, absurdly implies a meaning of â€Å"This is not the primary reason adult Romanians speak English,†accompanied by the expectation of a follow-up sentence identifying one or more other causes for bilingual ability despite its prohibition. But it doesn’t mean â€Å"There are more common reasons adult Romanians speak English†; it means â€Å"This is the reason few adult Romanians speak English.†Insert a comma, and the sentence tells you what, and then tells you why: â€Å"Few adult Romanians speak English, because it was forbidden during the Ceausescu era.†2. â€Å"They don’t want to diagnose or treat Lyme disease because it is very costly to do so.†Oh. Then why do they want to diagnose or treat Lyme disease? Again, a comma makes it clear that this sentence doesn’t serve to set up one or more alternate reasons; rather, the subordinating clause provides an explanation for the reluctance: â€Å"They don’t want to diagnose or treat Lyme disease, because it is very costly to do so.†3. â€Å"Dementia can’t be ignored by the larger community because individuals with the disease cannot manage independently.†Why, then, can dementia be ignored? That’s not what the sentence is trying to tell you. It’s explaining why the general populace should attend to the affliction: â€Å"Dementia can’t be ignored by the larger community, because individuals with the disease cannot manage independently.†4. â€Å"I wouldn’t recommend chicken pox parties because of the risk.†Tell me, then, why you would recommend them? (Aside: Said parties are often organized by groups of parents to deliberately expose their kids to chicken pox to get it over with.) The subordinate clause explains the statement in the main clause: â€Å"I wouldn’t recommend chicken pox parties, because of the risk.†5. â€Å"The model couldn’t be applied to other sectors because it evolved to care for water, not civilization’s infrastructure.†The implication is that the model could be applied to other sectors, but not for the reason stated. But the point is that it couldn’t be applied, and the reason follows: â€Å"The model couldn’t be applied to other sectors, because it evolved to care for water, not civilization’s infrastructure.†See how a comma’s presence or absence can drastically change a sentence’s meaning? Sometimes, it’s important even when the sentence doesn’t begin with a negative proposition: â€Å"I know he got the biggest raise in the department because his wife told me†reads as if the writer is aware that the person got the raise because the person’s wife told the writer that the person got the raise and the sentence turns into a Moebius strip. A comma nips this perpetual-motion machine in the bud: â€Å"I know he got the biggest raise in the department, because his wife told me.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureThe Four Sounds of the Spelling OUMood vs. Tense
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Birmingham City Council v Abdulla & Others Case Study
Birmingham City Council v Abdulla & Others - Case Study Example The actual case to be determined by the Supreme Court was not whether the plaintiffs should be paid the equal pay claims they were seeking from the Birmingham City Council; rather, it was purely a case of jurisdiction. In the case that was presented before the high court, former employees of Birmingham the City Council were demanding to be paid equal employment claims after realizing that some of their ex-colleagues had been compensated for the same by the council (Old Square Chambers, 2012). However, while the claims that the former employees were raising could be genuine and valid, the legal issue that arises in the case is that by the time they realized that their ex-colleagues had been compensated for the equal pay claims, it was already too late since 6 months had expired. The law pertaining to this situation provides that a claimant has 6 months to present their employment claims to the Employment Tribunal from the date of the wrongdoing by the employer, after which such claims would not be admissible to the Tribunal (Honeyball, 2012, p. 47). However, the same law provides that the claimants have up to 6 years to present any claim to the civil courts, from the date of a wrongful act. Therefore, finding that their claim could not be admitted by the Employment Tribunal, the claimants presented the case before a civil court. In return, the Birmingham City Council filed a response to the court seeking to have the case struck out of the civil court, on the basis that such a case was better dealt with by the Employment Tribunal, as opposed to the civil court (Old Square Chambers, 2012). The high court upheld that the case could be heard by the civil court since its circumstances did not qualify the exceptional circumstances against which a case could be struck out of the civil court and be referred to the Employment Tribunal. The defendant, in this case, the Birmingham City Council, filed an appeal regarding the high court decision, which was also rejected by t he Court of Appeal, which held the same ruling that the Supreme Court had given. It is upon the rejection of the appeal by the Court of Appeal that Birmingham the City Council filed the case for determination by the Supreme Court, so that the Supreme Court could determine whether the case could be struck out of the civil court and referred back to the Employment Tribunal (Honeyball, 2012, p. 47). Facts of the Case The case Birmingham City Council v Abdulla & Others [2012] is a case falling under the employment law, specifically under the Equality Act 2010, which provides that both the male and female workers shall be compensated the same for the services they deliver to an employer, which requires similar efforts and for which similar qualifications are required (Barnard & Hepple, 2004, p. 22). According to this act, if a woman’s contract is based on no less favorable terms compared to those of men, and the woman does the same roles and she is in the same employment, terms of equality should be applied for both men and women (Hepple, 2011, p. 54). However previously, the employer, in this case, the Birmingham City Council, had not compensated both women and men equally for their contracts for which they delivered their services to the council.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Development and Use of Curricular Adaptations for Students Receiving Research Paper
Development and Use of Curricular Adaptations for Students Receiving Special Education Services - Research Paper Example There are some common special needs, which are included in the special education that is crucial for imparting proper knowledge. Students who need special education, suffers with various problems as they are not as headstrong as the normal students. They face communication disabilities, learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorder, physical disabilities, and development disabilities and hence need special attention. The students who are surviving with these types of disabilities will get benefited from these special types of education. These students are provided with additional education services, which require different types of technology specially adopted for teaching area or a resource room, which helps in providing different approaches of teaching (British Columbia Ministry of Education, 2013). The objective of the study is to describe about the various aspects of special education. The study will define about the various steps that have been adapted for the development processes for imparting special education, which will be helpful for the success of those disable students in the educational field. The other aim of the study is to describe about the curricular adoptions for the students who are receiving the special educational services. The main purpose of the study is to establish the effective developmental techniques and process for establishing special educational need for students. The special education is a mechanism, which refers as a social and educational service that has been provided by the some schools and educational institution. The purpose of special education is to provide pleasant atmosphere for effective education to all the students who are disable. The main purpose of special education is to empower the impartial participation of those students who want special need and attention for better development and societal standard. The special need
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