Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Causal argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Causal argument - Essay Example eater prevalence for an individual with a biological sister or mother who suffers from an eating disorder developing the disorder, signifying a possible genetic link. Furthermore, researches in the field of human twins portray a genetic association of anorexia. Nevertheless, until now there has not been any explanation as to the role of genetics in the causes of anorexia. However, it has been discovered an area on chromosome 1 which appears to be connected with an increased vulnerability to anorexia. Anorexia nervosa is understood to be genetic, with projected inheritance rates varying from 56% to 84% (Kortegaard et al 361–365). There is also a high probability that some people have a genetic propensity toward thoroughness, sensitivity, and perseverance, all traits associated with anorexia. In addition, one of the brain chemicals known as serotonin involved in depression may play a role in development of anorexia (Watson 20-54). Environmental and socio-cultural studies have decorated the role of cultural factors, such as the endorsement of thinness as the supreme female shape in European developed nations, particularly through the media. The media is mainly defined with images and advertisement of thin celebrities, models, and superstars. This has had great impact since in the modern society success is always associated with being thin. It is also highly likely that peer pressure may influence the longing to be slim, particularly in youthful women. Moreover, populace in professions such as dancers and models which put emphasis on slim shape there is a particular social pressure to be thin are much more likely to develop anorexia at some stage in the path of their career. There has also been an obsession among teenage girls to be overly anxious about their weight and deem those slim to be better looking amongst their peers and thus have tendency to practice weight-control behaviors leading to anorexia. Furthermore, women have developed the hype to consume
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Alfred Hitchcock Impact on Society
Alfred Hitchcock Impact on Society Whenever people desire to watch a movie, they have thousands, if not millions of options to choose from. The first movie dates back as far as the late 1800s and since then, movies have become one of the most popular forms of entertainment and art worldwide. This is all thanks to the people who create movies for a living, people known as directors. Each director differs in his or her own way, leaving a â€Å"thumbprint,†or directing style on all of his or her films. Many directors today try to mimic the thumbprints of previous minds from the early 1900s in order to become as successful and legendary as they were. Names such as Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, Charlie Chaplin, and Woody Allen still live on for their groundbreaking contributions to the history of cinema. However, one of the most famous directors to have lived is none other than Alfred Hitchcock, whose career spanned more than fifty years and helped define an entire movie genre. The film industry has been greatly i nfluenced by the British director Alfred Hitchcock, whose works employed techniques to instill suspense, reoccurring plot devices, and innovative cinematography. Throughout the world, Alfred Hitchcock is known as the Master of Suspense for his special techniques he incorporated in his films. One thing he always kept in mind was how the audience would react to his movies, because without the audience he considered his movie incomplete. Hitchcock says there is no satisfaction in having a large auditorium but with only one seat. It is the collective audience and their reaction that gives interest to your endeavor (Alfred Hitchcock 10). His goal was to take the audience on a journey to escape the reality of their own lives and, the more fun they have, the quicker they will come back begging for more (Bays 1). Keeping the mentality of the average moviegoer in mind, Hitchcock only used straightforward plotlines which could easily be followed. When reviewing a film script, he removed anything that was considered boring or irrelevant to the story. What is drama, Hitchcock states, but life with the dull bits cut out (Bays 4). Using this method, the audience can maintain their interest in the movie and suspense can be delivered more efficiently. Vital to any Hitchcockian film is what is known as information. Information is something the characters do not see, yet the audience does. In most cases, the information is usually dangerous and is presented in the opening of a scene. As the scene continues, the audience is reminded of that information which could jeopardize the ignorant characters. For example, in the 1976 movie Family Plot, the audience sees a shot of a car leaking brake fluid, yet the characters in the car have no idea this is happening. Watching scenes with information build up tension, and it is one of the most popular techniques Hitchcock has made famous. Surprisingly, one would not think to include anything comical in a thriller movie, yet Hitchcock believed suspense doesnt have any value if its not balanced by humor (Bays 1). By using contrasted characters and settings, it made his films more amusing to watch. In order to intensify the audiences anxiety, Hitchcock utilized understatement, which was a means of turning the attention of an action scene to insignificant and petty character features or actions. In Rear Window, the protagonist Jeff tries to stall the villains attack by blinding him with flashing camera bulbs. The great effort the villain uses to regain his vision is amusing, yet at the same time is suspenseful because of his steady and eerie approach. Hitchcock also frequently inserted a character which mocked a serious matter such as murder. This is usually a sign of foreshadowing, as seen in Rear Window when Stella (the nurse) laughs about the idea of a killing in an adjacent apartment. Irony is also evident in Hitchcoc ks films because he places characters in terrible situations against bright and joyful settings. He thought the more happy-go lucky the setting, the greater kick you get from the sudden introduction of drama (Bays 3). An excellent example of irony is in The Trouble With Harry, where a dead body appears with a beautiful fall scenery. The final suspense method is none other than the twist ending. Hitchcock never wanted his films to have a predictable ending because it would destroy the entire point of putting suspense into the audience. In the key moment of Saboteur, Barry Kane corners Fry, the real saboteur, on the top of the Statue of Liberty. Although one would normally think the scene ends with Fry being captured, Kanes sudden talking actually startles the saboteur, which causes him to tumble over the railing and plunge to his death.         When watching several Hitchcock films, it may be noticed that certain objects and themes have a tendency to appear in the plot over and over again. These plot devices are an important quality because they link the British to the American period, because their recurrence is particularly obstinate, and because they seem taken in conjunction, central to the thematic complex of Hitchcocks total oeuvre (Wood 2). The three themes which are profoundly examined are the wrongly accused man, the female culprit, and the alluring villain. The accused man is usually the central character who is blamed for something he did not do, and often experiences the double chase. The double chase is the hero is pursued by the police and in turn pursues (or seeks to unmask) the actual villain (Wood 2). The female culprit is present in Sabotage, Notorious, Vertigo, Dial M for Murder and many more Hitchcock films. Interestingly, the villains in his films are considered to be some of the most intriguing charact ers to observe. They all possess one or more of the following characteristics: a) Sexual perversity or ambiguityb) Fascist connotationsc) The subtle associations of the villain with the devild) Closely connected with these characteristics is a striking and ambiguous fusion of power and impotence operating on both the sexual and non-sexual levels (Wood 2). Norman Bates in Psycho is one of the most famous sociopaths in cinema history.              Arguably one of Hitchcocks greatest contributions to the film industry is the MacGuffin. Yet the MacGuffin is, in truth, one minute entity. Its definition describes it as a device or plot element that catches the viewers attention or drives the plot. It is generally something that every character is concerned with (Alfred Hitchcock Film Techniques 1). Primarily, the MacGuffin is something that the majority of the film revolves around, yet in the end its importance diminishes and can sometimes be forgotten. Examples of MacGuffins include the government secrets in North by Northwest, the uranium in Notorious, and the stolen 40,000 dollars in Psycho. These MacGuffins keep the audience spinning in a certain direction while the real action was getting ready to come in from the side. A true MacGuffin will get you where you need to go but never overshadow what is ultimately there (Alfred Hitchcock Film Techniques 2).     Although Hitchcock was greatly identified for his suspense techniques, his movies would not be complete without their creative cinematography. He was excellent at knowing what to film, when to cut to a different shot, and how to edit a scene after it was completed. Because Hitchcock began directing silent films, he liked to work purely in the visual and not rely upon words at all (Alfred Hitchcock 2). Camera angles make a great contribution to the quality of Hitchcocks films. He incorporates his â€Å"theory of proximity to plan out each scene†(Bays 2). Essentially, this means a certain scene would call for a certain camera shot in order to change its emotion. The closer the camera is to the characters eyes, the more emotion the audience could see. If Hitchcock wanted to increase suspense, he would use a high angle shot above the characters head. In a way, the camera also acts as a human eye because it gazes around objects as if it truly contained curiosity. His idea of personifying the camera remains constant because when films did not have sound, visuals were the only form of communicating with the audience. In order to               Hitchcock always welcomed innovation in film technology, but in the 1950s he reveled in it (Silet 2). As a result of combining these three factors, Alfred Hitchcocks movies will forever be considered some of the most revolutionary works of art known to man. It is also not an exaggeration to claim that his films elevated the medium as a form of art in the minds of the public in ways that exceeded the work of more self-consciously artistic directors. And that is not a bad accomplishment for a director who set out merely to entertain (Silet 3).       ÂÂ
Friday, October 25, 2019
Confucius-Summary Essay -- essays research papers
Confucius-Summary      Master Kung, also known as Kung Fu-tzu is known to be the Confucius of the west. He is one of the most well known philosophers in Chinese history. Confucianism has evolved so much over the years that no one knows the original thoughts of the master. Master Kung established a tradition of cultural values. Confucius wanted to attain a position in government so he could influence the ruler, thus helping him make wiser decisions. He was appointed to a governmental position in Lu but it was brief. So he traveled the neighboring states hoping to attain another position, and he did but he often spoke his mind when he shouldn’t have and was forced to leave again. When he returned home he realized that through his teaching he would be able to affect the people more. Confucius taught that all human affairs were structured by five relationships: father and son, husband and wife, elder and younger brother, ruler and official, and friend and friend. He had a major emphasis on the family be cause three of these relationships focus on the family. Confucius was more of a summarizer and rephraser of truths than an original thinker. He focused on the relation of human being to human being and the relation of governor to governed. Confucius Life Confucius is described, by Sima Qian and other sources, as having endured a poverty-stricken and humiliating youth and been forced, upon reaching manhood, to undertake such petty jobs as accounting and caring for livestock. Confucius surname Kong (which means literally an utterance of thankfulness when prayers have been answered), his tabooed given name Qiu, and his social name Zhongni, all appear connected to the miraculous circumstances of his birth. We do not know how Confucius himself was educated, but tradition has it that he studied ritual with the Daoist Master Lao Dan, music with Chang Hong, and the lute with Music-master Xiang. At the age of fifty, when Duke Ding of Lu was on the throne, Confucius' talents were recognized and he was appointed Minister of Public Works and then Minister of Crime. But Confucius apparently offended members of the Lu nobility who were with Duke Ding for power and he was subsequently forced to leave office and go into exile. In any case, by most t raditional accounts, Confucius returned to Lu in 484 BCE and spent the remainder of his life teaching,... ...e to physical force, such ‘virtue’ also enabled the ruler to maintain good order in his state without troubling himself and by relying on loyal and effective deputies. The way to maintain and cultivate such royal ‘virtue’ was through the practice and enactment of li or ‘rituals’â€â€the ceremonies that defined and punctuated the lives of the ancient Chinese aristocracy.      Confucius Sayings           Confucius was a man who talked about the virtues and principles of life dealing with family, government, and work. These concepts were often reflected in his quotes. These are a few to ponder the mind: 1.     Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have. 2.     It is not possible for one to teach others who cannot teach his own family. 3.     He who merely knows right principles is not equal to him who loves them. 4.     If you enjoy what you do, you'll never work another day in your life. 5.     They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Putting a Stop to Film Piracy Essay
Film piracy is one of the most lucrative forms of intellectual property theft in the United States and in the rest of the world. Movies are illegally copied, reproduced, and mass distributed in different ways such as in replicated DVDs or through the Internet for financial gains. Piracy is an act of stealing and it â€Å"includes the unauthorized copying, distribution, performance or other use of copyrighted materials†such as movies and television shows (Motion Picture Association of America). These practices result to negative impacts on consumers, the film industry, and to the whole economy. No matter how enticing are the reasons why people support pirated movies, film piracy remains to be a punishable crime for it is equal to stealing the properties and hard work of other people. Therefore, people who produce and distribute pirated movies for illegal purposes should face the consequences of their actions. Reasons Why People Engage in this Crime There are several ways how to pirate films. These movies are produced either by recording inside the theater, post-production leaks or leaks from an awards screener, stealing film print, stealing legitimate DVD prior to official date of release, or by ripping a legitimate DVD of any protective code (Treverton 37). These stolen copies of the movies are then burned or replicated in more DVDs or uploaded in the Internet without the consent of their original owners and then sold at cheaper prices or distributed for free. Despite being prohibited by law, film piracy is hard to control because many people instantly benefit from it. The people behind the business earn a lot from pirated movies because they do not have to buy the copyrights of the movies or pay royalties. Despite having lower qualities at times, buying pirated movies appeals to consumers because they can get films for free or for a very cheap price. â€Å"The low prices of pirated films compared with the legal ones make the former very attractive to buyers†(Treverton 31). Consumers who have limited budgets would prefer to buy pirated movies or download illegally from the Internet than to spend the money in cinemas. But these are only temporary benefits and in the bigger picture, film piracy causes more harm than good results. How Film Piracy Harms Pirated movies gain support from those who see them as answers to financial burdens. But many people remain unaware of the how movie piracy actually contributes to the sufferings of the whole country’s economy and film industry. These people do not recognize the importance of not supporting the products of piracy. The economy loses a lot of money annually because of the organized crime of intellectual property theft. Each year, â€Å"motion picture piracy costs the U. S. economy more than $20 billion†and because of the illegal reproduction of films, lesser income is earned by the movies and lesser money is contributed by the movie industry to the country’s economy (Grover and Shields). Piracy is also one of the biggest threats to film and music industry. The whole entertainment industry suffers from this crime. â€Å"The global film industry creates more jobs, more entertainment choices and more opportunities for the creative professions†and because of piracy, lesser opportunities are given to film production because budgets for discovering new talents, artists, directors, and production staffs are limited and restrained by the lack of budget (MPAA). There is a big possibility for the value of film making to decline and maybe even completely crash. Consumers will also suffer then because, aside from getting little for the money they invest in illegal products, they are also contributing to the wealth of people who have not really worked hard for the film. When the movie industry loses money to piracy, the costs produce quality and meaningful films and shows also become more expensive. Punishments and Consequences Piracy equals theft. Therefore, it is important to have laws created to protect the copyrights of films and television shows. â€Å"These laws help safeguard the creative works that support the livelihoods of the 2. 4 million Americans who work†together to create quality films for the entertainment of consumers (MPAA). The enforcement of laws makes copyrighted movies valuable and pirating these products makes them known as stolen properties. Many critics of the anti-piracy law and other laws related to copyright violations believe that the anti-piracy bill has harsh repercussions. Critics of anti-piracy laws believe that the punishments for acts related to piracy are too severe at times because lengthy prison terms and huge fines await those who will be caught involved in movie piracy. â€Å"First-time violators can be sentenced to up to five years in prison if the camcording was committed for financial gain or commercial advantage and fined up to $250,000†(MPAA). Critics say that there should be a limitation for the consequences of reproducing materials such as films. But for the industries that are affected by this crime, they need greater enforcement of laws because their lost sales continue increasing as consumers retain access to free music and movies on the Internet (Grover and Shields). Conclusion Reproducing copyrighted materials such as films are prohibited by laws. Piracy is a form of theft and many people profit a lot from stolen works. It has become a problematic dent in the film industry because movie outfits are hurt by this illegal act. Apprehenders are not easily caught and are not always given their rightful punishments. Purchasing pirated movies or getting them illegally from the Internet may seem like a mild offense for an ordinary person. But if this crime is done in volume, the negative consequences of movie piracy are proven to be detrimental to those who are part of the industry of film making because the act already translates into theft and a violation of another person’s rights. Works Cited Grover, Ronald and Shields, Todd. â€Å"Movie-Piracy Websites Shut Down by Raids. †30 June 2010. Web. 23. Aug. 2010. Retrieved from < http://www. bloomberg. com/news/2010-06-30/movie-piracy-web-sites-shut-down-in-coordinated-raids-by-u-s-officials. html>. Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). Frequently Asked Questions. 2010. Web. 23 Aug. 2010. Retrieved from < http://www. mpaa. org/contentprotection/faq>. Treverton, Gregory F. â€Å"Chapter Three: The Shape of Counterfeiting and the Example of Film Piracy. †Film Piracy, Organized Crime, and Terrorism. California: RAND Corporation, 2009. Print. Pp. 27- 38.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Shortly about Sony
Company information Sony Company was founded in 1946 in Tokyo physicist Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka engineer. The company consisted of 20 employees, they were engaged in the repair of electrical equipment and tried to create their own products. At that moment, any development and production have been hampered. Because of the post-war limits on the consumption of electricity has consistently exceeded this limit and â€Å"Tokyo Research Laboratory†kicked out of their official location, production forcibly moved into the ruins of an abandoned building.In the â€Å"new†building roof was full of holes everywhere and everyone had to work under the umbrellas. But this was another plus – unlimited energy. The success of the company acquired in 1946 when Sony released the first transistor in Japan and the first â€Å"all – transistor†radio in 1955. For more than 50 years from the date when the company first started to sell their products, it has grown fr om 20 employees to more than 160,000 people worldwide.Sony name was chosen from the Latin word Sonus. In the beginning it was called â€Å"Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki Tox-gaysya†(Tokyo telecom and industrial company) or bbreviated Totsuka Today Sony Corporation designs and manufactures consumer and industrial electronic equipment. The company's products include audio and video equipment, televisions, displays, electronic components, computers and computer peripherals and telecommunication equipment.Akio Morita led the company for a long time, was responsible for marketing and sales, and managed to bring it to a huge success in the market. Sony made its name on a good and attractive design and innovation. The company paid a special role downsizing their products. In 1950 the company released its first radio – ? «TR-63†³, this initiated ompany's success. In the years 1970-1980 appeared the first portable audio player Walkman. In 1983, Sony, in cooperation with Philip s launched the first CD.All Sony Corporation is composed of eight departments: Sony Corporation (holding management, consumer electronics and professional); Sony Computer Entertainment (game consoles Playstation, and video games); Sony Mobile Communications (mobile phones) ; Sony Vaio (laptops); sony Bravta (TV); Sony Music Entertainment (music industry); Sony Pictures Entertainment (production and producing films, owns studios Columbia Pictures and TriStars Pictures); Sony Financial Holdings (operations in the financial sector – insurance, banks).A couple of interesting facts about Sony: When Sony, together with the Panasonic, developed CDs, then their capacity was determined randomly. A survey was conducted among potential buyers about what kind of music they will listen on CDs. The survey showed that people are most interested in perfectly crisp sound of classical music. Because in Japan the sales leader cassettes was â€Å"Beethoven's Ninth Symphony,†and it lasted about 74 minutes, then 74 minutes was converted into a 16-bit stereo into bytes.Then it was determined that an optical drive should nave a capacity ot MB; Masaru Ibuka addition to the company Sony, was occupied by the Association of Early Childhood Development and the organization â€Å"Talent Education†; Sony founders were faithful to their company until the end and never refused in consultation, even in the last year of life. Company Sony is very successful over last several decades and uses its innovation and developments to create a multibillion and multinational electronic empire.No doubt that such a big company would not become without a brilliant managers nd engineers. Sony – a company tradition and modernity rules bordering future. Business Strategy Sony's Business Strategy is to become the leading global provider of networked consumer electronics and entertainment in the world. In order to do that Sony will try to save market shares in developed countries by introducing innovative technologies and produce new products to emerging markets to achieve higher sales growth and at last occupy bigger market share.The main objective of the Sony Corporation is designing and creating innovative quality products which give benefits to people. SWOT Strengths Company is able to produce innovative products with high quality. Sony is able to be successful in several different markets for example company has made an impact in the PC market, video game market and especially the television market. Sony is able to be successful in several different markets for example company has made an impact in the PC market, video game market, mobile market, cameras market and especially the television market.Sony is one of fast growing companies. Corporation ranks among top 10 fastest-growing companies of the Word. Sony uses Machine-to- Machine (M2M) solution remote monitoring technology-based service solutions. The solution allows cost-effectively and continually mo nitor and manage the various components of production. Weaknesses Products are 20 to 30 percent higher than comparable goods of others companies. For example, for this reason, people in developing countries with minimum salaries cannot afford to by Sony's excellent products.Sony tries to close the gap with technologies companies such as Amazon or Apple which use Internet services to improve their electronics. However, because of its business overload of heavy perating costs leading to inefficient supply chain Sony is missing that market gap. Opportunities Sony has opportunity to sell complementary products and services in saturated markets in Japan and USA and standard products in emerging markets in China, India, Latin America.Sony can use â€Å"user-friendly applications†, innovative materials and attractive visual appearance to differentiate products develops new technologies Threats Sony always uses and New companies can enter the market because the shift from analog to d igital technology became easier. This is because complicated functionality has become oncentrated in semiconductors and it is easier to manufacture. Economic uncertainty and political instability in markets of China, India, and Russia is more violated.Mission and vision of Sony Mission of Sony it's running to make best price intended for consumer, and get better the excellence of existence for the after that age group from side to side our improvement. Vision of Sony it's necessity to look for new capabilities to move toward to change our skill to realize together gainful in addition to stable increase. Sony Company aspires for sustainable enlargement because bazaar of manufacturing lectronic customer supplies becomes wider. Inside together container, the Sony product determination engages in recreation a critical fraction.Sony corporation is clever to institute its extensive management by obtain additional physically powerful electronics corporation in addition to their results, wh ich be after that Joint depended on improvement corporation. Submission of preparation to its workers, usual corporation process, in addition to the availability of modern equipment after that remain strengthen the place of the various creations of company on the market. The objective of Sony Company is in the direction of safe the extension of the trade in a sustainable method, at the same time as next to the similar occasion continually improve the company's productivity.Attaining this objective involves four points: transition to the most important place in the market; focus attention to stay on top of a forceful distributers of the electronic offers; work in the direction of get better the company's competence in addition to reduce expenses in action; continuously enlargement from side to side in technologies expanding own destination to increase their value for investors. PEST Political Tariff lowering in EIJ countries will affect at import and export operations in Sony Corpora tion, because the price will be modified due to this policy.Bad influence of political instability including unexpectedly Juridical changes, changes in import and export controls and conflicts among developing countries. Economic Foreign exchange rate changes can nave an ettect on financial situation because large part of Sony's sales and assets are denominated in foreign currencies Social Electronics commodities are standardized products therefore culture has not a big impact. In all most markets, customer preferences are similar. In fact, the more standardized product, allow to sell it worldwide this helps organization to have ‘transference of marketing' across countries.Technological Advanced technologies are a key issue to be more competitive in the market. Sony tries to manufacture most innovative products that will be hard to copy and will help them to lead in the market, so the company does not stop in self-improvement.
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